Tree Fort

Written in 1997 My brother and I took hammers, piles of wood leftover from Dad's woodshed, nails, tape measures, and saws. All were the foundation of our creation, youth being the age of limitless possibilites the giant maple tree the object of our creativity. We began with nails, simply pounding lumber against the flesh of... Continue Reading →

Home From War.

When I quit the ambulance, I felt like I had returned to civilian life. I felt like I had been at war. Everyone thinks warfare is something that doesn't happen the United States...despite the watered down tales of terror shared by the news. I always found the news so trivial.  For the most part... Continue Reading →


"You're always trying to save the world, Emma...but you can't even save yourself."  - His words echo in my mind.  An ex... a past... an abuser... a lover... a man as broken as I was back before we realized either of us had been broken...back when we were too busy living and running from what... Continue Reading →

The Nielsen Super Hero’s

My mother is so amazing. When we were little my mom made me, my cousins Erik and Bjorn, and my brother Kevin capes out of bathroom towels...she sewed our initials in them, and tied it at the neck with a simple button... Those capes were all we needed for hours and hours of fun off... Continue Reading →

Toxic Love

My cat Simeon is love with my neighbor's first she wouldn't give him the time of day, but now when he sees her she will kiss him for a second, then smack his face, and something like what happened in the video below transpires.  Bwahahaha.  Not so different that humans.


Home. Your roots, your foundation. No matter the wind that batters, nor the storms that have shaken, nothing, not even time, from your memory and heart can it be taken. I think of myself as a garden.  I think of all of us as gardens.  We are seeds that sprout legs...these bodies are our shells,... Continue Reading →

Near Death Experience

If you haven't seen the OA I highly recommend it.  I love Brit Marling's creativity...I love a creative mind :)...she's a sister from another mother...every since her movie Another Earth where her character walked out into the snow to attempt a peaceful sleep/suicide I liked her.  I saw that scene and felt validated or Continue Reading →

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